Ducks Unlimited Canada
Institute for Wetland & Waterfowl Research
PO Box 1160
Stonewall, Manitoba, Canada
R0C 2Z0

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Pascal Badiou, Ph.D.

Research Scientist

Conducting watershed research to help create and inform sound, sustainable wetland policies that protect our water and offset the impacts of climate change.

Pascal Badiou joined IWWR in 2006. In general his research focuses on the ecology of wetlands and large shallow lakes. In particular, he’s interested in the role wetland restoration and conservation can play in regulating water quality and quantity in agricultural watersheds of the Canadian Prairies. He is also interested in how the interaction of multiple stressors such as invasive species, increased nutrient loading, pesticides and climate change affect wetland ecosystems.

Additionally, Pascal has been conducting research to determine the importance of wetlands in carbon cycling and how these systems can be managed to mitigate against climate change. He’s also interested in the use of constructed wetlands for the management of stormwater and treatment of sewage effluent to improve water quality at the watershed scale within urban environments.


  • Ph.D., Wetland Ecology, University of Manitoba
  • B.Sc., Environmental Science, University of Manitoba

Pascal’s Publications (organized by year)

Logozzo, L.A., C. Soued, L.E. Bortolotti, P. Badiou, P. Kowal, B. Page, and M.J. Bogard. 2025. Agricultural land use impacts aquatic greenhouse gas emissions from wetlands in the Canadian Prairie Pothole Region. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 39:e2024GB008209.

Ma, S., P. Mistry, P. Badiou, S. Bansal, and I.F. Creed. 2025. Factors regulating the potential for freshwater mineral soil wetlands to function as natural climate solutions. Wetlands 45:11.

Mi, C., C. Soued, L.E. Bortolotti, P. Badiou, B. Page, M. Denny, and M.J. Bogard. 2025. Multi-decadal impacts of effluent loading on phosphorus sorption capacity in a restored wetland. Environmental Research 264:120256.

Dong, D., P. Badiou, T.R. Moore, and C. von Sperber. 2024. Litter decomposition and nutrient dynamics of four macrophytes in intact, restored, and constructed freshwater marshes of Canada. Restoration Ecology 32:e14135.

Soued, C., M.J. Bogard, K. Finlay, L.E. Bortolotti, P.R. Leavitt, P. Badiou, S.H. Knox, S. Jensen, P. Mueller, S. Ching Lee, D. Ng, B. Wissel, C.N. Chan, B. Page, and P. Kowal. 2024. Salinity causes widespread restriction of methane emissions from small inland waters. Nature Communications 15:717.

Richardson, J.L., A.R. Desai, J. Thom, K. Lindgren, M. Peichl, M. Nilsson, A. Campeau, J. Järveoja, P. Hawman, D.R. Mishra, D. Smith, B. D’Acunha, S.H. Knox, D. Ng, M.S. Johnson, J. Blackstock, S.L. Malone, S.F. Oberbauer, M. Detto, K.P. Wickland, I. Forbrich, N. Weston, J.K.Y. Hung, C. Edgar, E.S. Euskirchen, S. Bret-Harte, J. Dobkowski, G. Kling, E.S. Kane, P. Badiou, M. Bogard, G. Bohrer, T. O’Halloran, J. Ritson, A. Arias-Ortiz, D. Baldocchi, J. Shahan, and M. Matsumura. 2024. On the relationship between aquatic CO2 concentration and ecosystem fluxes in some of the World’s key wetland types. Wetlands 44:1.

Zarrinabadi, E., D.A. Lobb, E. Enanga, P. Badiou, and I.F. Creed. 2023. Agricultural activities lead to sediment infilling of wetlandscapes in the Canadian Prairies: Assessment of soil erosion and sedimentation fluxes. Geoderma 436:116525.

Page, B., P. Badiou, and O. Steele. 2023. Nutrient retention of newly restored wetlands receiving agricultural runoff in a temperate region of North America. Ecological Engineering 195:107060.

Ury, E.A., P. Arrumugam, E.R. Herbert, P. Badiou, B. Page, and N.B. Basu. 2023. Source or sink? Meta-analysis reveals diverging controls of phosphorus retention and release in restored and constructed wetlands. Environmental Research Letters 18:083002.

Bansal, S., B.A. Tangen, R.A. Gleason, P. Badiou, and I.F. Creed. 2022. Land management strategies influence soil organic carbon stocks of prairie potholes of North America. Pages 273-285 in K.W. Krauss, Z. Zhu, and C.L. Stagg, editors. Wetland Carbon and Environmental Management, Geophysical Monograph 267, John Wiley & Sons, New York, New York, USA.

Creed, I.F., P. Badiou, E. Enanga, D.A. Lobb, J.K. Pattison-Williams, P. Lloyd-Smith, and M. Gloutney. 2022. Can restoration of freshwater mineral soil wetlands deliver nature-based climate solutions to agricultural landscapes. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 10:932415.

Haque, A., G. Ali, and P. Badiou. 2022. Event-based analysis of wetland hydrologic response in the Prairie Pothole Region. Journal of Hydrology 604:127237.

Kowal, P.D., P. Badiou, R.B. Emery, L.G. Goldsborough, D.A. Wrubleski, L.M. Armstrong, and B. Page. 2022. Improvement in water clarity and submersed aquatic vegetation cover after exclusion of invasive common carp from a large coastal wetland, Delta Marsh, Manitoba. Frontiers in Environmental Science 10:992690.

Wasko, J.D., T.P. McGonigle, L.G. Goldsborough, D.A. Wrubleski, P.H. Badiou, and L.M. Armstrong. 2022. Use of shoot dimensions and microscopic analysis of leaves to distinguish Typha latifolia, Typha angustifolia, and their invasive hybrid Typha xglauca. Wetlands Ecology and Management 30:19-33.

Drever, C.R., S.C. Cook-Patton, F. Akhter, P.H. Badiou, G.L. Chmura, S.J. Davidson, R.L. Desjardins, A. Dyk, J.E. Fargione, M. Fellows, B. Filewod, M. Hessing-Lewis, S. Jayasundara, W.S. Keeton, T. Kroeger, T.J. Lark, E. Le, S.M. Leavitt, M.-E. LeClerc, T.C. Lemprière, J. Metsaranta, B. McConkey, E. Neilson, G. Peterson St.-Laurent, D. Puric-Mladenovic, S. Rodrigue, R.Y. Soolanayakanahally, S.A. Spawn, M. Strack, C. Smyth, N. Thevathasan, M. Voicu, C.A. Williams, P.B. Woodbury, D.E. Worth, Z. Xu, S. Yeo, and W.A. Kurz. 2021. Natural climate solutions for Canada. Science Advances 7:eabd6034.

Jeke, N.N., F. Zvomuya, N. Cicek, L. Ross, and P. Badiou. 2019. Nitrogen and phosphorus phytoextraction by cattail (Typha spp.) during wetland-based phytoremediation of an end-of-life municipal lagoon. Journal of Environmental Quality 48:24-31.

Wilson, H.F., N.J. Casson, A.J. Glenn, P. Badiou, and l. Boychuk. 2019. Landscape controls on nutrient export during snowmelt and an extreme rainfall runoff event in northern agricultural watersheds. Journal of Environmental Quality 48:841-849.

Badiou, P., B. Page, and L. Ross. 2019. A comparison of water quality and greenhouse gas emissions in constructed wetlands and conventional retention basins with and without submerged macrophyte management for storm water regulation. Ecological Engineering 127: 292-301.

Thorslund, J., M.J. Cohen, J.W. Jawitz, G. Destouni, I.F. Creed, M.C. Rains, P. Badiou, and J. Jarsjö. 2018. Solute evidence for hydrological connectivity of geographically isolated wetlands. Land Degradation & Development 29:3954-3962.

Haque, A., G. Ali, and P. Badiou. 2018. Hydrological dynamics of prairie pothole wetlands: Dominant and landscape controls under contrasted conditions. Hydrological Processes 32: 2405-2422.

Badiou, P., B. Page and W. Akinremi. 2018. Phosphorus retention in intact and drained prairie wetland basins: Implications for nutrient export. Journal of Environmental Quality 47:902-913.

Byun, E., S.A. Finkelstein, S.A. Cowling, and P. Badiou. 2018. Potential carbon loss associated with post-settlement wetland conversion in southern Ontario, Canada. Carbon Balance and Management 13:6.

Haque, A., G. Ali, M. Macrae, P. Badiou, and D. Lobb. 2018. Hydroclimatic influences and physiographic controls on phosphorus dynamics in prairie pothole wetlands. Science of the Total Environment 645: 1410-1424.

Wrubleski, D., P. Badiou, and G. Goldsborough. 2018. Coastal wetlands of Manitoba’s Great Lakes (Canada). Pages 591-604 in C.M. Finlayson, G.R. Milton, R.C. Prentice, and N.C. Davidson, editors. The wetland book volume II. Distribution, description and conservation, Springer, New York, New York, USA.

Pattison-Williams, J.K., J.W. Pomeroy, P. Badiou, and S. Gabor. 2018. Wetlands, flood control, and ecosystem services in the Smith Creek drainage basin: A case study in Saskatchewan, Canada. Ecological Economics 147: 36-47.

Ali, G., A. Haque, N.B. Basu, P. Badiou, and H. Wilson. 2017. Groundwater-driven wetland-stream connectivity in the Prairie Pothole Region: Inferences based on electrical conductivity data. Wetlands 37: 773-785.

Badiou, P.H.J. and L.G. Goldsborough. 2015. Ecological impacts of an exotic benthivorous fish, the common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.), on water quality, sedimentation, and submerged marcophyte biomass in wetland mesocosms. Hydrobiologia 755:107-121.

Jeke, N.N., F. Zvomuya, N. Cicek, L. Ross, and P. Badiou. 2015. Biomass, nutrient, and trace element accumulation and partitioning in cattail (Typha latifolia L.) during wetland phytoremediation of municipal biosolids. Journal of Environmental Quality 44:1541-1549.

Badiou, P. and B. Page. 2014. Comparison of nutrient and contaminant export from a moderately and intensively drained watershed. Ducks Unlimited Canada, Stonewall, Manitoba, Canada.

Wells, J., D. Childs, C. Smith, S. Morgan Siegers, and P. Badiou. 2014. Manitoba’s blue mosaic: Six aquatic strongholds of Manitoba’s boreal forest. Boreal Songbird Initiative, Seattle, Washington, USA.

Badiou, P., R. Baldwin, M. Carlson, M. Darveau, P. Drapeau, K. Gaston, J. Jacobs, J. Kerr, S. Levin, M. Manseau, G. Orians, S. Pimm, H. Possingham, P. Raven, F. Reid, D. Roberts, T. Root, N. Roulet, J. Schaefer, D. Schindler, J. Strittholt, N. Turner, A. Weaver, and J. Wells. 2013. Conserving the world’s last great forest is possible: here’s how. International Boreal Conservation Panel, Washington, DC, USA.

Berard, G., D. Applin, E. Cloutis, J. Stromberg, R. Sharma, P. Mann, S. Grasby, R. Bezys, B. Horgan, K. Londry, M. Rice, B. Last, F. Last, P. Badiou, G. Goldsborough, and J. Bell III. 2013. A hypersaline spring analogue in Manitoba, Canada for potential ancient spring deposits on Mars. Icarus 224: 399-412.

Badiou, P. 2012. Protect first, restore later: Why wetland triage might put rehab on hold. Water Canada 12:34-35.

Degenhardt, D., D. Humphries, A.J. Cessna, P. Messing, P.H. Badiou, R. Raina, A. Farenhorst, and D.J. Pennock. 2012. Dissipation of glyphosate and aminomethylphosphonic acid in water and sediment of two Canadian prairie wetlands. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part B 47:631-639.

Milton, G.R., C.K. Edwards, A. Barnett, P. Badiou, A.J. Celauro, B. Crouch, P. Farnese, J.R. Graham, M. Granskou, P. Kehoe, D. Smith, L. Soroka, S. Williams, and S. Yaich. 2012. White paper on policy advocacy for joint ventures. North American Waterfowl Plan Committee.

Yang, W., A. Bonnycastle, Y. Liu, L. Boychuk, S. Gabor, and P. Badiou. 2012. Examining water quantity and quality benefits from wetland conservation and restoration in the Smith Creek watershed. University of Guelph, Guelph, Canada.

Badiou, P., L.G. Goldsborough, and D. Wrubleski. 2011. Impacts of common carp (Cyprinus carpio) on freshwater ecosystems: a review. Pages 121-146 in J.D. Sanders and S.B. Peterson, (eds.). Carp: habitat, management and diseases. Nova Science Publishers, New York, USA.

Badiou, P., R. McDougal, D. Pennock, and B. Clark. 2011. Greenhouse gas emissions and carbon sequestration potential in restored wetlands of the Canadian prairie pothole region. Wetlands Ecology and Management 19:237-256.

Badiou, P.H.J. and L.G. Goldsborough. 2010. Ecological impacts of an exotic benthivorous fish in large experimental wetlands, Delta Marsh, Canada. Wetlands 30:657-667.

Yang, W., X. Wang, Y. Liu, S. Gabor, L. Boychuk, and P. Badiou. 2010. Simulated environmental effects of wetland restoration scenarios in a typical Canadian prairie watershed. Wetlands Ecology and Management 18:269-279.

Badiou, P.H., H.M. Cooley , and T. Savard. 2006. Water chemistry and phytoplankton data for the lower Nelson River system, Manitoba, 2004. A report prepared for Manitoba Hydro by North/South Consultants Inc. Report 04-04.

Badiou, P.H.J. and L.G. Goldsborough. 2006. Northern range expansion and invasion by the common carp, Cyprinus carpio, of the Churchill River system in Manitoba. Canadian Field Naturalist 120:83-86.

Badiou, P. 2005. Historical and projected impacts of effluent release from the Selkirk thermal generating station drain on water chemistry in the Red River. A report prepared for Manitoba Hydro by North/South Consultants Inc.

Badiou, P.H. and H.M. Cooley. 2005. Water chemistry, phytoplankton, and sediment chemistry data for the Nelson and Assean River systems, Manitoba, 2002. A report prepared for Manitoba Hydro by North/South Consultants Inc. Report 02-14.

Badiou,P.H., H.M. Cooley , and T. Savard. 2005. Water chemistry data for the lower Nelson River system, Manitoba, 2003. A report prepared for Manitoba Hydro by North/South Consultants Inc. Report 03-05.

Badiou, P.H.J. 2005. Ecological impacts of an exotic benthivorous fish in wetlands: a comparison between common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) additions in large experimental wetlands and small mesocosms in Delta Marsh, Manitoba. Dissertation, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada.

Londry, K.L., P.H. Badiou, and S.E. Grasby. 2005. Identification of a marine green alga, Percursaria percursa, from hypersaline springs in the middle of the North American continent. Canadian Field-Naturalist 119:82-87.

Badiou, P.H. and H.M. Cooley. 2004. Water chemistry, phytoplankton, and sediment chemistry data for the Nelson and Assean River systems, Manitoba, 2001. A report prepared for Manitoba Hydro by North/South Consultants Inc. Report 01-15.

Badiou, P.H., H.M. Cooley, T. Savard, and E. Shipley. 2004. Assiniboine River monitoring study: Portage la Prairie to Headingly. Water quality progress report, November, 2004. A study conducted for the City of Portage la Prairie by North/South Consultants Inc. and Earth Tech Canada Inc.

Bezte, C.L and P.H. Badiou. 2004. Winnipeg Airports Authority water quality summary – 2003. A report prepared for Winnipeg Airports Authority Inc. by North/South Consultants Inc.

Cooley, H.M. and P. Badiou. 2004. Water chemistry and phytoplankton data for the Rat/Burntwood and Footprint river systems, Manitoba, 2000. Nisichawayasihk Cree Nation – Manitoba Hydro Joint Environmental Studies, Draft Report 04-01.

Cooley, H.M. and P. Badiou. 2004. Water chemistry, sediment chemistry, and phytoplankton data for the Rat/Burntwood and Footprint river systems, Manitoba, 2001. Nisichawayasihk Cree Nation – Manitoba Hydro Joint Environmental Studies, Draft Report 04-06.

Cooley, H.M., P. Badiou, and E. Shipley. 2004. Water chemistry and phytoplankton data for the Burntwood River system, Manitoba, 2002. Nisichawayasihk Cree Nation – Manitoba Hydro Joint Environmental Studies, Draft Report 03-12.

Cooley, H.M., P.H. Badiou, and F. Schneider-Vieira. 2004. Assiniboine River monitoring study: Portage la Prairie to Headingley. Final water quality assessment and model, February, 2004. A study conducted for the City of Portage la Prairie by North/South Consultants Inc. and Earth Tech Canada Inc.

Badiou, P.H., H.M. Cooley, and J. Toews. 2003. Phase I: Assiniboine River aquatic study. A report prepared for Nexen Chemicals Canada Limited Partnership by North/South Consultants Inc.

Badiou, P.H., D.F. Malley, M. Paterson, and M.P. Stainton. 2000. Use of near-infrared spectroscopy as a tool for monitoring sediment and water chemistry at the Experimental Lakes Area. Proceedings of the 43rd meeting of the Manitoba Soil Science Society, January 25-26, 2000, Winnipeg, Canada.

Malley, D.F. and P.H. Badiou. 2000. Near-infrared spectroscopy as a tool for the comprehensive analysis of lake sediments. Proceedings of the 43rd meeting of the Manitoba Soil Science Society, January 25-26, 2000, Winnipeg, Canada.