Stuart Slattery, Ph.D.
National Science Analyst
Helping ensure DUC’s actions are grounded in science and recognized as valuable to society.
Stuart Slattery joined IWWR in 2001 and his initial research focused on scaup and scoter breeding ecology, gathering baseline information to help understand why numbers are declining. His later research studied potential effects of industrial activities on waterfowl in the boreal forest, testing key delivery assumptions, after which he oversaw high level research planning and implementation as IWWR’s National Manager. Stuart now serves as the National Science Analyst, providing high level science support and strategy development for Ducks Unlimited Canada.
- Ph.D., Waterfowl Ecology, University of Saskatchewan
- M.Sc., Waterfowl Ecology, University of Saskatchewan
- B.Sc., Biological Sciences, Cornell University
Stuart’s Publications (organized by year)
Dyson, M.E., S.M. Slattery, and B.C. Fedy. 2024. Effects of oil and gas development on duck nest survival in the Western Boreal Forest. Avian Conservation and Ecology 19:12.
Merchant, M.A., M.J. Battaglia, N. French, K. Smith, H. Singer, L. Armstrong, V.B. Harriman, and S. Slattery. 2024. Species abundance modelling of Arctic-Boreal Zone ducks informed by satellite remote sensing. Remote Sensing 16:1175.
Johnstone, R.P.H., M.E. Dyson, S.M. Slattery, and B.C. Fedy. 2023. Multi-level habitat selection of boreal breeding mallards, Journal of Wildlife Management 87:e22403.
Dyson, M.E., S.M. Slattery, and B.C. Fedy. 2022. Multiscale nest-site selection of ducks in the Western Boreal Forest of Alberta. Ecology and Evolution 12:e9139.
Dyson, M. E., S. M. Slattery, and B. C. Fedy. 2021. There and back again: Female mallard (Anas platyrhynchos) breeding season movement across the Boreal Forest and Prairie Potholes. The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 132:441-447.
Dyson, M.E., S.M. Slattery, and B.C. Fedy. 2020. Nest predators in the boreal forest. Wildlife Society Bulletin 44:631-639.
Westwood, A.R., N.K. Barker, S. Grant, A.L. Amos, A.F. Camfield, K.L. Cooper, F.V. Dénes, F. Jean-Gagnon, L. McBlane, F.K.A. Schmiegelow, J.I. Simpson, S.M. Slattery, D.J.H. Sleep, S. Sliwa, J.V. Wells, and D.M. Whitaker. 2020. Toward actionable, coproduced research on boreal birds focused on building respectful partnerships. Avian Conservation and Ecology 15:26.
Stralberg, D., D. Arseneault, J.L. Baltzer, Q.E. Barber, E.M. Bayne, Y. Boulanger, C.D. Brown, H.A. Cooke, K. Devito, J. Edwards, C.A. Estevo, N. Flynn, L.E. Frelich, E.H. Hogg, M. Johnston, T. Logan, S.M. Matsuoka, P. Moore, T.L. Morelli, J.L. Morissette, E.A. Nelson, H. Nenzén, S.E. Nielsen, M.-A. Parisien, J.H. Pedlar, D.T. Price, F.K.A. Schmiegelow, S.M. Slattery, O. Sonnetag, D.K. Thompson, and E. Whitman. 2020. Climate-change refugia in boreal North America: What, where, and for how long? Frontiers in Ecology and Environment 18:261-270.
Singer, H.V., S.M. Slattery, L. Armstrong, and S. Witherly. 2020. Assessing breeding duck population trends relative to anthropogenic disturbances across the Boreal Plains of Canada, 1960-2007. Avian Conservation and Ecology 15:1.
Dyson, M.E., S.M. Slattery, and B.C. Fedy. 2019. Microhabitat nest-site selection by ducks in the boreal forest. Journal of Field Ornithology 90:348-360.
Slattery, S.M. and R.G. Clark. 2019. Annual survival in female white-winged scoters and lesser scaup. Journal of Wildlife Management 83:1151-1162.
Krainyk, A., J.E. Lyons, M.G. Brasher, D.D. Humburg, G.J. Soulliere, J.M. Coluccy, M.J. Petrie, D.W. Howerter, S.M. Slattery, M.B. Rice, and J.C. Fuller. 2019. Spatial integration of biological and social objectives to identify priority landscapes for waterfowl habitat conservation. U.S. Geological Survey open-file report 2019-1029, Reston, Virginia, USA.
Gingras, B., S. Slattery, K. Smith, and M. Darveau. 2018. Boreal wetlands of Canada and the United States of America. Pages 521-542 in C.M. Finlayson, G.R. Milton, R.C. Prentice, and N.C. Davidson, editors. The wetland book volume II. Distribution, description and conservation, Springer, New York, New York, USA.
Gurney, K.E.B., R.G. Clark, S.M. Slattery, and L.C.M. Ross. 2017. Connecting the trophic dots: Responses of an aquatic bird species to variable abundance of macroinvertebrates in northern boreal wetlands. Hydrobiologia 785:1-17.
Austin, J., S. Slattery, and R.G. Clark. 2014. Waterfowl populations of conservation concern: Learning from diverse challenges, models and conservation strategies. Wildfowl Special Issue 4:470-497.
Barker, N.K.S., S.M. Slattery, M. Darveau, and S.G. Cumming. 2014. Modeling distribution and abundance of multiple species: Different pooling strategies produce similar results. Ecosphere 5:art158.
Gurney, K.E.B., C.J. Wood, R.T. Alisaukas, M. Wayland, J.-M.A. DeVink, and S.M. Slattery. 2014. Identifying carry-over effects of wintering area on reproductive parameters in white-winged scoters: An isotopic approach. Condor 116:251-264.
Drever, M.C., R.G. Clark, C. Derksen, S.M. Slattery, P. Toose, and T.D. Nudds. 2012. Population vulnerability to climate change linked to timing of breeding in boreal ducks. Global Change Biology 18(2): 480-492.
Gurney, K.E.B., R.G. Clark, and S.M. Slattery. 2012. Seasonal variation in pre-fledging survival of lesser scaup Aythya affinis: hatch date effects depend on maternal body mass. Journal of Avian Biology 43:68-78.
Traylor, J.J., R.T. Alisaukas, S.M. Slattery, and K.L. Drake. 2012. Comparative survival and recovery of Ross’s and lesser snow geese from Canada’s central arctic. Journal of Wildlife Management 76:1135-1144.
Slattery, S.M., J.L. Morissette, G.G. Mack, and E.W. Butterworth. 2011.Waterfowl conservation planning: science needs and approaches. Pages 23-40 in J.V. Wells, ed. Boreal birds of North America: a hemispheric view of their conservation links and significance. University of California Press, Berkeley, USA.
Devink, J., S.M. Slattery, R.G. Clark, R. Alisasuskas, and K. Hobson. 2011. Combining stable isotope and body composition analyses to assess nutrient allocation strategies in breeding white-winged scoters. Auk 128:166-174.
Gurney, K.E.B., R.G. Clark, S.M. Slattery, N.V. Smith-Downey, J. Walker, L.M. Armstrong, S.E. Stephens, M. Petrula, R.M. Corcoran, K.H. Martin, K.A. DeGroot, R.W. Brook, A.D. Afton, K. Cutting, J.M. Warren, M. Fournier, and D.N. Koons. 2011. Time constraints in temperate-breeding species: influence of growing season length on reproductive strategies. Ecography 34:628-636.
Devink, J-M., R.G. Clark, S.M. Slattery, and T. Scheuhammer. 2008. Effects of dietary selenium on reproduction and body mass of captive lesser scaup. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 27:471-477.
Devink, J-M., R.G. Clark, S.M. Slattery, and M. Wayland. 2008. Is selenium affecting body condition and reproduction in boreal breeding scaup, scoters, and ring-necked ducks? Environmental Pollution 152:116-122.
Devink, J-M., R.G. Clark, S.M. Slattery, and A.M. Scheuhammer. 2007. Cross-seasonal association between winter trophic status and breeding ground selenium levels in boreal white-winged scoters. Avian Conservation and Ecology 3:3.
Slattery, S.M. and R.T. Alisauskas. 2007. Distribution and habitat use of Ross’s and lesser snow geese during late brood rearing. Journal of Wildlife Management 71:2230-2237.
Alisauskas, R.T., K.L. Drake, S.M. Slattery, and D.K. Kellett. 2006. Neckbands, harvest, and survival of Ross’s geese from Canada’s central arctic. Journal of Wildlife Management 70:89-100.
Koons, D.N., J. J. Rotella, D. W. Willey, M. Taper, R. G. Clark, S. Slattery, R. W. Brook, R. M. Corcoran, and J. R. Lovvorn. 2006. Lesser scaup population dynamics: what can be learned from available data? Avian Conservation and Ecology 1:6.
Slattery, S.M. and R.T. Alisauskas. 2002. Use of the Barker model in an experiment examining covariate effects on first-year survival in Ross’s Geese (Chen rossii): a case study. Journal of Applied Statistics 29:497-508.
Gloutney, M.L., R.T. Alisauskas, A.D. Afton, and S.M. Slattery. 2001. Foraging time and dietary intake by breeding Ross’s and lesser snow geese. Oecologia 127:78-86.
Slattery, S.M. 2000. Factors affecting first-year survival in Ross’s geese. Dissertation, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Canada.
Alisauskas, R.T., S.M. Slattery, J.P. Ryder, M.L. Gloutney, A.D. Afton, R.H. Kerbes, and M.R. McLandress. 1998. Discrimination of Ross’s and lesser snow goose eggs. Journal of Field Ornithology 69:647-653.
Slattery, S.M., G. Samelius, R.T. Alisauskas, J.R. Danielson, and F.P. Moore. 1998. For whom the geese toll: aberrant or adaptive behaviour in Ross’ and lesser snow geese? Wildfowl 49:242-244.
Slattery, S.M. and R.T. Alisauskas. 1995. Egg characteristics and body reserves of neonate Ross’ and lesser snow geese. Condor 97:970-984.
Slattery, S.M. 1994. Neonate reserves, growth and survival in Ross’ and lesser snow goose goslings. Thesis, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Canada.