Shane Gabor, M.Sc.
(Retired - 2022)
Partnering with volunteers and staff to acquire the funds necessary for conservation and IWWR’s most important research initiatives.
Shane Gabor joined IWWR in 1991 and has had leadership roles on wetland and waterfowl research projects across Canada. His activities and research have focused on evaluating and communicating the environmental, social and economic values of the ecological goods and service provided by natural habitats. His work on the impacts of wetland drainage on water quality and flooding has highlighted the critical need for effective wetland protection.
Currently, Shane works with volunteers and staff to acquire the funds necessary for conservation initiatives and IWWR’s most important research initiatives.
- M.Sc., McGill University
- B.Sc., Wildlife Biology, University of Montana
- Diploma, Renewable Resource Management, Lethbridge Community College
Shane’s Publications (organized by year)
Pattison-Williams, J.K., J.W. Pomeroy, P. Badiou, and S. Gabor. 2018. Wetlands, flood control, and ecosystem services in the Smith Creek drainage basin: A case study in Saskatchewan, Canada. Ecological Economics 147: 36-47.
Pattison-Williams, J.K., W. Yang, Y. Liu, and S. Gabor. 2017. Riparian wetland conservation: A case study of phosphorus and social return on investment in the Black River watershed. Ecosystem Services 26:400-410.
Yang, W., Y. Liu, M. Cutlac, P. Boxall, M. Weber. A. Bonnycastle, and S. Gabor. 2016. Integrated economic-hydrologic modeling for examining cost-effectiveness of wetland restoration scenarios in a Canadian prairie watershed. Wetlands 36:577-589.
Yang, W., Y. Liu, C. Ou, and S. Gabor. 2016. Examining water quality effects of riparian wetland loss and restoration scenarios in a southern Ontario watershed. Journal of Environmental Management 174:26-34.
Pattison, J.K., S. Gabor, and T. Scott. 2013. A business case for wetland conservation and restoration in the settled areas of Alberta Vermillion River subwatershed case study. Ducks Unlimited Canada, Stonewall, Manitoba, Canada.
Yang, W., A. Bonnycastle, Y. Liu, L. Boychuk, S. Gabor, and P. Badiou. 2012. Examining water quantity and quality benefits from wetland conservation and restoration in the Smith Creek watershed. University of Guelph, Guelph, Canada.
Pattison, J.K., W. Yang, Y. Liu, and S. Gabor. 2011. A business case for wetland conservation: The Black River subwatershed. Ducks Unlimited Canada, Stonewall, Manitoba, Canada.
Yang, W., X. Wang, Y. Liu, S. Gabor, L. Boychukm, and P. Badiou. 2010. Simulated environmental effects of wetland restoration scenarios in a typical Canadian prairie watershed. Wetlands Ecology and Management 18:269-279.
Yang, W., X. Wang, T.S. Gabor, L. Boychuk, and P. Badiou. 2008. Water quantity and quality benefits from wetland conservation and restoration in the Broughton’s Creek watershed. Ducks Unlimited Canada, Stonewall, Canada.
Conner, K.J. and T.S. Gabor. 2006. Breeding waterbird and wetland habitat availability and response to water level management in Saint John River floodplain wetlands, New Brunswick. Hydrobiologia 567:169-181
Hoekman, S.T., T.S. Gabor, R. Maher, H.R. Murkin, and M.S. Lindberg. 2006. Demographics of breeding female mallards in southern Ontario, Canada. Journal of Wildlife Management 70:111-120.
Hoekman, S.T., T.S. Gabor, M.J. Petrie, R. Maher, H.R. Murkin, and M.S. Lindberg. 2006. Population dynamics of mallards breeding in agricultural environments in eastern Canada. Journal of Wildlife Management 70:121-128.
Henne, D.C, C.J. Lindgren, T.S. Gabor, H.R. Murkin and R.E. Roughley. 2005. An integrated management strategy for the control of purple loosestrife Lythrum salicaria L. (Lythraceae) in the Netley-Libau Marsh, southern Manitoba. Biological Control 32:319-325.
Gabor, T.S., A. Kiers North, L.C.M. Ross, H.R. Murkin, J.S. Anderson, and M. Raven. 2004. Natural values: the importance of wetlands and upland conservation practices in watershed management: functions and values for water quality and quantity. Ducks Unlimited Canada, Stonewall, Canada.
Hoekman, S.T., T.S. Gabor, R. Maher, H, Murkin, and L.M. Armstrong. 2004. Factors affecting survival of mallard ducklings in southern Ontario. Condor 106:485-495.
Maisonneuve, C., L. Belanger, D. Bordage, B. Jobin, M. Grenier, J. Beaulieu, S. Gabor, and B. Filion. 2003. American black duck and mallard breeding distribution and habitat relationships along a forest–agriculture gradient in southern Québec. Journal of Wildlife Management 70: 450-459.
Stevens, C.E., T.S.Gabor, and A.W. Diamon. 2003. Use of restored small wetlands by breeding waterfowl in Prince Edward Island, Canada. Restoration Ecology 11:3-12.
Gabor, T.S., H.R. Murkin, and J.W. Ingram. 2002. Waterfowl use of managed and unmanaged beaver ponds in south-central Ontario. Northeast Wildlife 57:45-58.
Ross, R.J., K.F. Abraham, T.R. Gadawski, R.S. Rempel, T.S. Gabor, and R. Maher. 2002. Abundance and distribution of breeding waterfowl in the great clay belt of northern Ontario. Canadian Field-Naturalist 116:42-50.
Gabor, T.S., J.R. Longcore, H.R. Murkin, and A.N. Arnason. 2000. Comparison of helicopter and ground surveys of waterfowl broods in southern Ontario. Northeast Wildlife 55:11-19
Lindgren, C.J., T.S. Gabor, and H.R. Murkin. 2000. Critical steps towards an integrated vegetation management strategy for the control of purple loosestrife in Manitoba, Canada. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Biological Control of Weeds 10:383-388.
Lindgren, C.J., T.S. Gabor, and H.R. Murkin. 2000. Compatibility of glyphosate with Galerucella calmeriensis: a biological control agent for purple loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria). Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 37:1-5.
Lindgren, C.J., T.S. Gabor and H.R. Murkin. 1998. Impact of triclopyr amine on Galerucella calmeriensis L. (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) and a step toward integrated management of purple loosestrife Lythrum salicaria L. Biological Control 12:14-19.
Rempel, R., K. Abraham, T. Gadawski, T.S. Gabor, and K. Ross. 1997. A simple wetland classification for boreal forest waterfowl. Journal of Wildlife Management 61:746-757.
Gabor, T.S., T. Haagsma, and H.R. Murkin. 1996. Wetland plant responses to varying degrees of purple loosestrife removal in southern Ontario, Canada. Wetlands 16:95-98.
Gabor, T.S., T. Haagsma, H.R. Murkin, and E. Armson. 1995. Effects of triclopyr on purple loosestrife and non-target wetland plants in south-eastern Ontario, Canada. Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 33:48-51.
Gabor, T.S., T.R. Gadawski, R.K. Ross, R.S. Rempel, and D.W. Kroeker. 1995. Visibility bias of waterfowl brood surveys using helicopters in the Great Clay Belt of northern Ontario. Journal of Field Ornithology 66:81-87.
Gabor, T.S., H.R. Murkin, M.P. Stainton, J.A. Boughen, and R.D. Titman. 1994. Nutrient additions to wetlands in the Interlake region of Manitoba, Canada: effects of a single pulse addition in spring. Hydrobiologia 279/280:497-510.
Gabor, T.S., 1991. Nutrient additions experiments in the Interlake region of Manitoba: effect of single pulse addition in spring. Thesis, McGill University, Montreal, Canada.
Gabor, T.S. and H.R. Murkin. 1990. The effects of clipping purple loosestrife seedlings during a simulated wetland drawdown. Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 28:98-100.