
Jim Devries, Ph.D.
(Retired - 2023)
Co-ordinating research and providing key feedback to enhance conservation program delivery.
Jim Devries joined IWWR in 1991 and has been in his current role since 2014. He is responsible for co-ordinating applied research within Western Canada. This includes helping to identify research needs, designing research studies, analyzing research results and communicating research results to our staff and the wider scientific community.
Jim conducts extensive field work and analyzes large databases that relate local and landscape level habitat conditions to waterfowl productivity and responses in biodiversity metrics. Jim is also involved in translating the results of IWWR’s recent field investigations into the Waterfowl Productivity Model (WPM), a planning tool designed to estimate waterfowl productivity gains resulting from landscape change including the impacts of conservation programs.
- Ph.D., Waterfowl Ecology, University of Saskatchewan
- M.Sc., Wildlife Science, Oregon State University
- B.Sc., Wildlife Biology, University of Montana
See Jim’s publications (organized by year)
Paterson, J.E., L.E. Bortolotti, P.D. Kowal, A.J. Pidwerbesky, and J.H. Devries. 2024. Predicting the effects of land cover change on biodiversity in Prairie Canada using species distribution models. Biological Conservation 298:110754.
Johns, D.W., J.H. Devries, and R.G. Clark. 2024. Survival of northern pintail ducklings in grasslands and croplands: Implications for fall-seeded cereals. Journal of Wildlife Management 88:e22558.
Weegman, M.D., J.H. Devries, R.G. Clark, D.W. Howerter, D. Gibson, J.P. Donnelly, and T.W. Arnold. 2024. Ecological and anthropogenic drivers of waterfowl productivity are synchronous across species, space, and time. Ecological Applications 34:e2979.
Cohen, A.L., J.H. Devries, and P. Galpern. 2024. Wetland cover in agricultural landscapes is positively associated with bumblebee abundance. Insect Conservation and Diversity 17:112-127.
Thogmartin, W.E., J.H. Devries, D.J. Semmens, J.E. Diffendorfer, J.A. Dubovsky, J.J. Derbridge, and B.J. Mattsson. 2023. Potential economic consequences along migratory flyways from reductions in breeding habitat of migratory waterbirds. Biological Conservation 285:110251.
Vest, J.L., D.A. Haukos, N.D. Niemuth, C.M. Setash, J.H. Gammonley, J.H. Devries, and D.K. Dahlgren. 2023. Waterfowl and wetland birds. Pages 417-469 in L.B. McNew, D.K. Dahgren, and J.L. Beck, editors. Rangeland Wildlife Ecology and Conservation, Springer, Cham, Switzerland.
Devries, J.H., L.M. Armstrong, D.W. Howerter, and R.B. Emery. 2023. Waterfowl distribution and productivity in the Prairie Pothole Region of Canada: Tools for conservation planning. Wildlife Monographs 211:e1074.
Zhao, Q., J.H. Devries, R.G. Clark, and M.D. Weegman. 2023. Causes and consequences of demography in continent-scale, full-annual-cycle population dynamics under global change. Global Ecology and Conservation 43:e02461.
Buderman, F.E., J.H. Devries, and D.N. Koons. 2023. A life-history spectrum of population responses to simultaneous change in climate and land use. Journal of Animal Ecology 92:1267-1284.
Prairie Habitat Joint Venture. 2021. Prairie Habitat Joint Venture Implementation Plan 2021-2025: The Prairie Parklands. Report of the Prairie Habitat Joint Venture. Environment Canada, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
Osnas, E.E., G.S. Boomer, J.H. Devries, and M.C. Runge. 2021. Decision-support framework for linking regional-scale management actions to continental-scale conservation of wide-ranging species. U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2020–1084, Reston, Virginia, USA.
Galpern, P., L.R. Best, J.H. Devries, and S.A. Johnson. 2021. Wild bee responses to cropland landscape complexity are temporally-variable and taxon-specific: Evidence from a highly replicated pseudo-experiment. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 322:107652.
Purvis, E.N., J.L. Vickruck, L.R. Best, J.H. Devries, and P. Galpern. 2020. Wild bee community recovery in restored grassland-wetland complexes of prairie North America. Biological Conservation 252:108829.
Zhao, Q., T. W. Arnold, J. H. Devries, D. W. Howerter, R. G. Clark, and M. D. Weegman. 2020. Using integrated population models to prioritize region-specific conservation strategies under global change. Biological Conservation 252:108832.
Davis, S.K., D.A. Kirk, L.M. Armstrong, J.H. Devries, and R.J. Fisher. 2020. Shifting from spring wheat to winter wheat: A potential conservation strategy for grassland songbirds in cultivated landscapes? Biological Conservation 245:108530.
Buderman, F.E., J.H. Devries, and D.N. Koons. 2020. Changes in climate and land use interact to create an ecological trap in a migratory species. Journal of Animal Ecology 89:1961-1977.
Mattsson, B.J., J.H. Devries, J.A. Dubovsky, D. Semmens, W.E. Thogmartin, J.J. Derbridge, and L. Lopez-Hoffman. 2020. Linking landscape-scale conservation to regional and continental outcomes for a migratory species. Scientific Reports 10:4968.
Galpern, P., J. Vickruck, J.H. Devries, and M.P. Gavin. 2020. Landscape complexity is associated with crop yields across a large temperate grassland region. Agriculture, Ecosystem & Environment 290:106724.
Mattsson, B.J., J.H. Devries, J.A. Dubovsky, D. Semmens, W.E. Thogmartin, J.J. Derbridge, and L. Lopez-Hoffman. 2020. Sources and dynamics of international funding for waterfowl conservation in the Prairie Pothole Region of North America. Wildlife Research 47:279-295.
Raquel, A.J., J.H. Devries, D.W. Howerter, and R.G. Clark. 2019. Reproductive consequences of climate variability in migratory birds: Evidence for species-specific responses to spring phenology and cross-seasonal effects. Oecologia 191:217-229.
North American Bird Conservation Initiative. 2019. The state of Canada’s birds, 2019. Environment and Climate Change Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
Zhao, Q., T.W. Arnold, J.H. Devries, D.W. Howerter, R.G. Clark, and M.D. Weegman. 2019. Land-use change increases climatic vulnerability of migratory birds: Insights from integrated population modelling. Journal of Animal Ecology 88:1625-1637.
Vickruck, J.L., L.R. Best, M.P. Gavin, J.H. Devries, and P. Galpern. 2019. Pothole wetlands provide reservoir habitat for native bees in prairie crops. Biological Conservation 232: 43-50.
North American Waterfowl Management Plan Committee. 2018. North American Waterfowl Management Plan Update: Connecting people, waterfowl, and wetlands. U.S. Department of the Interior, Environment and Climate Change Canada, and Environment and Natural Resources Mexico. Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C., USA.
Duncan, D.C. and J.H. Devries. 2018. Agricultural destruction of northern pintail nests on cropland in prairie Canada. Avian Conservation & Ecology 13:article 6.
Doherty, K.E., D.W. Howerter, J.H. Devries, and J. Walker. 2018. Prairie Pothole Region of North America. Pages 679-688 in C.M. Finlayson, G.R. Milton, R.C. Prentice, and N.C. Davidson, editors. The wetland book volume II. Distribution, description and conservation, Springer, New York, New York, USA.
Devries, J.H., R.G. Clark, and L.M. Armstrong. 2018. Dynamics of habitat selection in birds: Adaptive response to nest predation depends on multiple factors. Oecologia 187: 305-318.
Fedy, B., J. H. Devries, D. W. Howerter, and J. R. Row. 2018. Distribution of priority grassland bird habitats in the Prairie Pothole Region of Canada. Avian Conservation and Ecology 13:4.
Davis, S.K., J.H. Devries, and L.M. Armstrong. 2017. Variation in passerine use of burned and hayed planted grasslands. Journal of Wildlife Management 81: 1494-1504.
North American Bird Conservation Initiative. 2016. The State of North America’s Birds 2016. Environment and Climate Change Canada: Ottawa, Ontario.
Raquel, A.J., J.H. Devries, D.W. Howerter, R.T. Alisaukas, S.W. Leach, and R.G. Clark. 2016. Timing of nesting of upland-nesting ducks in the Canadian Prairies and its relation to spring wetland conditions. Canadian Journal of Zoology 94:575-581.
Doherty, K.E., J.S. Evans, J. Walker, J.H. Devries, and D.W. Howerter. 2015. Building the foundation for international conservation planning for breeding ducks across the U.S. and Canadian border. PLoS ONE 10:e0116735.
Morrissey, C.A., P. Mineau, J.H. Devries, F. Sanchez-Bayo, M.C. Cavallaro, and K. Liber. 2015. Neonicotinoid contamination of global surface waters and associated risk to aquatic invertebrates: A review. Environment International 74:291-303.
Devries, J.H. 2014. Fitness consequences of avian habitat selection in dynamic landscapes: Multi-scale evaluations in northern pintails. Dissertation, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada.
Hohman, W.L., E. Lindstrom, B.S. Rashford, and J.H. Devries. 2014. Opportunities and challenges to waterfowl habitat conservation on private land. Wildfowl Special Issue 4:368-406.
Howerter, D.W., M.G. Anderson, J.H. Devries, B.L. Joynt, L.M. Armstrong, R.B. Emery, and T.W. Arnold. 2014. Variation in mallard vital rates in Canada Aspen Parklands: The Prairie Habitat Joint Venture assessment. Wildlife Monographs 188:1-37.
Prairie Habitat Joint Venture. 2014. Prairie Habitat Joint Venture Implementation Plan 2013-2020: The Prairie Parklands. Report of the Prairie Habitat Joint Venture. Environment Canada, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
Sheppard, J.L., R.G. Clark, J.H. Devries, and M.G. Brasher. 2013. Reproductive effort and success of wild female mallards: does male quality matter? Behavioural Processes 100: 82-90.
Arnold, T.W., E.A. Roche, J.H. Devries, and D.W. Howerter. 2012. Costs of reproduction in breeding female mallards: predation risk during incubation drives annual mortality. Avian Conservation and Ecology 7:1.
Bloom, P. M., D. W. Howerter, J. H. Devries, L. M. Armstrong, and R. G. Clark. 2012. Radiomarking brood-rearing mallard females: Implications for juvenile survival. Wildlife Society Bulletin 36:582–586.
Mattsson, B.J., M.C. Runge, J.H. Devries, G.S. Boomer, J.M. Eadie, D.A. Haukos, J.P. Fleskes, D.N. Koons, W.E. Thogmartin, and R.G. Clark. 2012. A modeling framework for integrated harvest and habitat management of North American waterfowl: case-study of northern pintail metapopulation dynamics. Ecological Modelling 225:146-158.
Devries, J. H., and L. M. Armstrong. 2011. Impact of management treatments on waterfowl use of dense nesting cover in the Canadian prairie parklands. Journal of Wildlife Management 75: 1340-1349.
Arnold, T. W., J. H. Devries, and D. W. Howerter. 2010. Factors that affect renesting in mallards (Anas platyrhynchos). Auk 127:212-221.
Devries, J. H., S. O. Rimer, and E. M. Walsh. 2010. Cropland nesting by long-billed curlews (Numenius americanus) in southern Alberta. Prairie Naturalist 42:123-129.
Arnold, T.W., A.M. Pagano, J.H. Devries, R.B. Emery, D.W. Howerter, and B.L. Joynt. 2008. Social indices of breeding productivity in parkland mallards. Journal of Wildlife Management 72:224-230.
Devries, J. H., L. M. Armstrong, R. J. MacFarlane, L. Moats, and P. T. Thoroughgood. 2008. Waterfowl nesting in fall-seeded and spring-seeded cropland in Saskatchewan. Journal of Wildlife Management 72:1790-1797.
Devries, J.H., R.W. Brook, D.W. Howerter, and M.G. Anderson. 2008. Effects of spring body condition and age on reproduction in mallards (Anas platyrhynchos). Auk 125:618–628.
Howerter, D. W., J. J. Rotella, M. G. Anderson, L. M. Armstrong, and J. H. Devries. 2008. Mallard nest-site selection in an altered environment: predictions and patterns. Israel Journal of Ecology & Evolution 54:437–460.
Prairie Habitat Joint Venture. 2008. Prairie Habitat Joint Venture implementation plan 2007 – 2012. Report of the Prairie Habitat Joint Venture. Environment Canada, Edmonton, Canada.
Arnold, T.W., L.M. Craig-Moore, L.M. Armstrong, D.W. Howerter, J.H. Devries, B.L. Joynt, R.B. Emery, and M.G. Anderson. 2007. Waterfowl use of dense nesting cover in the Canadian prairie parklands. Journal of Wildlife Management 71:2542-2549.
Brasher, M.G., T.W. Arnold, J.H. Devries, and R. Kaminiski. 2006. Breeding season survival of male and female mallards in prairie-parkland Canada. Journal of Wildlife Management 70:805-811.
Thorn, T.D., R. B. Emery, D. W. Howerter, J. H. Devries, and B.L. Joynt. 2005. Use of radiotelemetry to test for investigator effects on nesting mallards, Anas platyrhynchos. Canadian Field Naturalist 119:541-547.
Devries, J.H., M. Boyle, S. Davis, D. Dixon, K. Guyn, B. Bristol, and T. Weins. 2005. Science guiding biodiversity conservation in prairie Canada: successes of the Prairie Habitat Joint Venture partnership. Pages 99-101 in: Working Together for Biodiversity: Regional and International Initiatives Contributing to Achieving and Measuring Progress Towards the 2010 Target. Montreal: Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity, 2005. CBD Technical Series no. 17.
Emery, R.B., D.W. Howerter, L.M. Armstrong, M.G. Anderson, J.H. Devries, and B.L. Joynt. 2005. Seasonal variation in waterfowl nest success and its relation to cover management in the Canadian prairies. Journal of Wildlife Management 69:1181-1193.
McMaster, D.G., J.H. Devries, and S.K. Davis. 2005. Grassland birds nesting in haylands of southern Saskatchewan: landscape influences and conservation priorities. Journal of Wildlife Management 69:211-221.
Devries, J. H., K. L. Guyn, R. G. Clark, M. G. Anderson, D. Caswell, S. K. Davis, D. G. McMaster, T. Sopuck, and D. Kay. 2004. Prairie Habitat Joint Venture (PHJV) Waterfowl Habitat Goals update: phase I. Prairie Habitat Joint Venture Waterfowl Working Group. Ducks Unlimited Canada, Stonewall, Manitoba, Canada.
Guyn, K.L. and J.H. Devries. 2004. Landscape conservation on the prairies: “The pintail experience”. Proceedings of the Prairie Conservation and Endangered Species Conference 7: Calgary, Canada.
Devries, J. H., J.J. Citta, M.S. Lindberg, D.W. Howerter, and M.G. Anderson. 2003. Breeding-season survival of mallard females in the prairie pothole region of Canada. Journal of Wildlife Management 67:551-563.
Arnold, T.W., D.W. Howerter, J. H. Devries, B.L. Joynt, R.B. Emery and M.G. Anderson. 2002. Continuous laying and clutch-size limitation in mallards. Auk 119:261-266.
Hoekman, S.T., L.S. Mills, D.W. Howerter, and J. H. Devries, I.J. Ball. 2002. Sensitivity analyses of the life cycle of mid-continent mallards. Journal of Wildlife Management 66:883-900.
Podruzny, K.M., J. H. Devries, L.M. Armstrong, and J.J. Rotella. 2002. Long-term response of northern pintails to changes in wetlands and agriculture in the Canadian prairie pothole region. Journal of Wildlife Management 66:993-1010.
Paquette, G.A., J. H. Devries, R.B. Emery, D.W. Howerter, B.L.Joynt, and T.P. Sankowski. 1997. Effects of transmitters on reproduction and survival of wild mallards. Journal of Wildlife Management 61:953-961.
Connery, D. R., E. A. Cloutis, T. P. Sankowski, J. H. Devries, D. W. Howerter, and F. J. Dover. 1996. Evaluation of airborne multispectral imagery for mapping wetland habitats and vegetation communities: Camp Lake assessment site, Alberta. Proceedings of the 18th Symposium of the Canadian Remote Sensing Society, Vancouver, Canada.
Rotella, J. J., J. H. Devries, and D. W. Howerter. 1995. Evaluation of methods for estimating the density of breeding female mallards. Journal of Field Ornithology 66:391-399.
Devries, J. H. 1993. Habitat use, movements and behavior of post-breeding female canvasbacks in Manitoba. Thesis, Oregon State University, Corvallis, USA.
Rotella, J. J., D. W. Howerter, T. P. Sankowski, and J. H. Devries. 1993. Nesting effort by wild mallards with 3 types of radio transmitters. Journal of Wildlife Management 57:690-695.
Hohman, W. L., D. W. Woolington, and J. H. Devries. 1990. Food habits of wintering canvasbacks in Louisiana. Canadian Journal of Zoology 68:2605-2609.