Restoring the Tradition at Delta Marsh.
About the Study
The presence of an invasive non-native fish species, common carp, as well as hybrid cattail, and the stabilization of water levels in Lake Manitoba have led to the degradation of Delta Marsh. Phase one of the restoration effort began in 2013 and includes the exclusion of large adult common carp and a baseline monitoring and research program to assess the impacts of this carp exclusion on the marsh. Also included in Phase one is a series of linked science investigations to identify other stressors that have contributed to the deterioration of the marsh. Phase two of the restoration effort will take this information and apply any new management/mitigation measures identified.

Phase one will span from 2013 to 2018.
Goals & Purpose
The “Restoring the Tradition” initiative envisions that the natural functions of the Delta Marsh ecosystem will be restored when its stressors are reduced; water levels will fluctuate, submersed vegetation is healthy and vigorous, emergent vegetation is diverse and robust, the water is clear, and waterfowl and other wildlife abounds. Restoration of this large coastal wetland will also help improve Lake Manitoba water quality, help mitigate climate change and enhance regional biodiversity.
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