The purpose of the fellowship is to develop critical scientific information about waterfowl and wetlands, and to contribute to the training of future waterfowl and wetland conservation professionals.

The recipient of this fellowship is Laura Wallace from the University of Montana. Laura’s MSc project investigates long-term changes in the ratios of male to female ducks of three species in the Prairie Pothole Region.
Researchers have observed a declining ratio of adult female to male ducks for mallards and northern pintails, but not blue-winged teal, breeding in the Prairie Pothole Region. A decreasing proportion of female ducks warrants concern for the future growth rates of these populations and could be caused by stressors females experience throughout their life cycle, but particularly during the breeding season. Laura will:
- Model survival rates of adult blue-winged teal, mallards, and northern pintails from the Prairie Pothole Region, and
- Use U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service aerial survey data from the 1960s to present to understand trends in abundance and sex ratios for the three study species.y
The results of this study will improve our understanding of what is driving changes in sex ratio and thus allow us to develop appropriate management and conservation interventions.
About the Fellowship
This fellowship is open to graduate students enrolled at any North American University. Subject matter for the student’s research can deal with any aspect of waterfowl or wetland biology that promises to advance conservation. Fellowships will be awarded based upon the following criteria:
- The qualifications of the applicant
- The scientific soundness of the student’s research proposal
- Originality and creativity in study design
- Expected contributions of the research to furthering waterfowl conservation
- The achievability of the work.
One award of up to $9,500/year (U.S. funds) is available to provide personal or research support for the successful applicant. The award is renewable for up to two additional years for PhD students, once for Master’s students, assuming annual approval of a satisfactory progress report and the need for continuing financial support.
For additional information on this fellowship, download the Graduate Fellowships Background document.
Past Fellowship Winners
2022-2023: Nick Masto, PhD. Mallard distributions, habitat selection, and movement behavior relative to spatiotemporal changes in landscape energetics and hunting pressure, Tennessee Technological University.
2019-2021: Emily Tarsa, PhD. Seed-based wetland restoration following Phragmites removal: harnessing seed traits and systems modeling to reestablish lost avian habitat, Utah State University
2017-2018: Kyla Bas, MSc. Effects of spring phenology, density dependence and predator-prey cycles on productivity of montane and boreal-breeding ducks, University of Saskatchewan.
2015-2016: Amelia Raquel, MSc. Assessment of Factors Influencing Patterns of Duck Community Composition in the Prairie Pothole Region: Effects of Climate and Land Use, University of Saskatchewan
2013-2014: David Messmer, PhD. The Effect of Wetland Abundance, Spring Phenology, and Landscape Productivity on Breeding Ducks in the Western Boreal Forest, University of Saskatchewan
2010-2012: Brandt Meixell, PhD. Prevalence, variation, and effects of low pathogenic avian influenza in waterfowl, University of Minnesota
2008-2009: Pauline Bloom, MSc. Factors Affecting Mallard Duckling Survival in Western Canada: Implications for Conservation Planning, University of Saskatchewan